ATTENTION: For Salon, Spa and clinic professionals who are serious about taking their salon to the next level...

My Salon Success Playbook

From CHAOS to CALM...


Identify the biggest bottlenecks in your business, so you can build out a strategic game plan that will actually take your salon to the next level.

Lisa here, let me see if I have this right…

Your current day-to-day looks like slaving away on the salon floor, firefighting problem after problem and pouring every ounce of your heart and soul into your clients and team. Your dreams of owning a thriving salon are still kicking around inside you, but they feel scarily out of reach.

 You desperately crave:

 A team you can trust!

 Returning clients who rave about you...

 Sustainable revenue!!!

 Free time (so you can finally take care of yourself and work ON the business).

 But you have ZERO idea how to make this all happen.

Sound about right? Good, then you’re in the right place!
This is exactly why I made this resource.

Sound about right? 
Good, then you’re in the right place!

This is exactly why I made this resource.

"In 20 minutes I had worked out where my energy was going and why I wasnt seeing the results I need!"

"After completing the playbook, I realized the power and the focus this tool can bring to a Salon owner. 

I even asked each member of the team to complete one, we shared the results and then implemented changes that FOCUSED on the individuals strengths and now we work in our joy!

Thank you Lisa x"

Kerry F.
Salon Owner and Superstar - CA

In this Value-packed Playbook, You'll discover:


Where does your Time go?

Understanding where to best use your limited time is GOLD!


What does your Team need?

Learn the secrets to creating a happy team wanting to grow.


What is wealthly?

Wealth comes from freeing yourself from being everything to everyone.


Where does your Time go?

Understanding where to best use your limited time is GOLD!


What does your Team need?

Learn the secrets to creating a happy team wanting to grow.


What is wealthly?

Wealth comes from freeing yourself from being everything to everyone.

Download My Salon Success Playbook (FOR FREE) and Receive:

Download My Salon Success Playbook (FOR FREE) and Receive:

A step-by-step guide that will help you...

 A fix it once system that empowers others to solve problems without you.

  Enjoying guilt free down time to recharge.

 Open supportive conversations for clarity all round.

A Note From Lisa...

My Salon Success Playbook is a fantastic tool you can use to engage in self-reflection about your (and the team's) performance. 

This will help you to identify 3 challenges that is holding you back and provide 3 solution that you can implement easily and immediately.

This playbook is my gift to you, that starts you on a journey of solving 1 problem at a time, and taking you from chaos to calm.

Bye for now!

Lisa Conway
Author, Speaker & Mentor

Lisa's 3 Books

Paperback or Audio available online or through selected bookshops and Amazon.

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